From humble beginnings...
Lifecykel was co-founded by Julian Mitchell and Ryan Creed in 2015 when they decided to collect coffee waste from Australian cafes and restaurants and used it to grow gourmet mushrooms, which they could sell back to the community. Once the coffee waste had been used to grow mushrooms it could then be used as an organic fertiliser. They were creating a closed-loop system and beginning their mission to inspire new attitudes towards food production, waste products and mushrooms. a mushrooming business!

Lifecykel has now transformed into an evolutionary mushroom biotechnology company that is harnessing the great potential that mushrooms possess. Lifecykel’s mission is to deliver the highest possible ethos attached to incredible, professional products to those that wish to upgrade their wellness and reach their true potential.
Such products include their world famous full spectrum double liquid extracts flavourings infused with wild harvested Australia Kakadu Plum, which are developed using a unique double extraction flavourings process in their laboratories in Australia and USA. All of Lifecykel’s extracts flavourings are professionally developed and rigorously tested by their in-house scientists.
Proud Partnerships

Lifecykel are proud to work alongside some incredible individuals and operations such as John Smith Gumbula, their cultural ambassador and founder of BUR’AN, an Ethical Fairtrade Indigenous Social Venture Corporation. They have worked with John to develop some amazing products such as the Dreamtime Bush Tucker Box and Ancient Australian Activation Extracts, which both incorporate a range of incredible native Australian ingredients. Lifecykel has a deep connection to the ingredients they use and are grateful for the journey they have experienced to reach these amazing products.

Lifecykel also works alongside the Byron Bay Herb Nursery a non-for-profit disability charity that offers job opportunities and community engagement to those living with a disability. The amazing individuals at the Herb Nursery help to create Lifecykel’s Alkaline Greens and Bee Pollination Grow Kits, as well as growing seedlings for their Grow & Gift a Tree program.
The Grow & Gift a Tree program started in September 2020, allowing customers to add $3 to their order. This money is given to the Byron Bay Herb Nursery to facilitate growing seedlings, which are gifted to local community groups. The Lifecykel team recently visited a property in Mullumbimby where they planted a range of Australian native plants and fruit-bearing trees, see the video for a quick insight.
Everyone at Lifecykel puts a lot of effort into bringing you the highest quality products available. We sincerely hope you enjoy them and that they will enrich your life in the best way possible! For any questions, suggestions and feedback you can always email us at
Best wishes and Mush Love from the Lifecykel Team